McGowan Search
Our team will faithfully and wisely lead your committee through the entire search process with prayerful discernment and a commitment to seek and follow God’s will and guidance.


McGowan Search services include three categories, all related to preparing your church to call your next Senior Pastor.

Ministry Evaluation
and Consultation

McGowan Search will review your current ministry status and prepare a recommendation for your search process. This report is generated from information you provide and from an onsite visit from either Dr. McGowan or one of our other search team members. You will gain valuable insight and instruction on how to conduct your search, whether or not you should hire an interim, and the many potential pitfalls that must be avoided during this critical time in the life of your congregation.

Transition Period Analysis

McGowan Search can help your church’s board or leadership team establish a program of ministry analysis and study that will result in the development of a church profile, community profile, and pastor profile. Stating clearly who you are and what your ministry priorities are is one of the most important steps in the process of identifying your next Senior Pastor.

Pastoral Search

McGowan Search delivers local congregations access to pastoral candidates that you cannot access by simply placing an ad in a magazine or on a website. We do that by utilizing the 50+ years of ministerial experience and hundreds of denominational and independent contacts and resources established by the McGowan Search team. Your best candidates are pastors who would not normally reply to an ad or even be looking for a new position. McGowan Search recruits the brightest and best and will deliver a group of candidates that match your ministry context and personality.

Our team will faithfully and wisely lead your committee through the entire search process with prayerful discernment and a commitment to seek and follow God’s will and guidance. McGowan Search practices the highest degree of confidentiality, professionalism, and integrity throughout the pastoral placement process. Anything less would not be acceptable for we are always mindful that our efforts and diligence have eternal consequences for the Kingdom of God.