McGowan Search
McGowan Search is equally committed to determining whether our firm is the correct search partner for you as you are in finding your new senior pastor.



At McGowan Search, we are convinced that every successful pastoral placement begins and is sustained with a commitment, by your search committee, and us to honestly and wholeheartedly go to God in prayer, seeking His guidance, wisdom, and direction. The team at McGowan Search prays earnestly over every search assignment, for each search committee, and with each final candidate delivered for your evaluation.

groupWe recommend your church establish a prayer team to support the work of your committee and that each search committee meeting begins with an earnest time of prayer. Perhaps no other time you spend or effort you commit will surpass the importance of this step in the process. McGowan Search can provide additional information and resources on how and why prayer can and should be a primary element in your search process.

Initial Evaluation

McGowan Search is equally committed to determining whether our firm is the correct search partner for you as you are in finding your new senior pastor. Once you decide to investigate the benefits McGowan Search will bring to your search process, we will ask you to provide some basic information, either through an initial phone consultation or through an on-line questionnaire.

search profileOnsite Consultation

Once we receive your basic, initial information, we will arrange an appointment for Dr. McGowan to visit your church and personally meet with your committee. This visit will encompass meetings with key staff and congregational leaders and will allow Dr. McGowan to begin the process of helping your team prepare an individualized process for your search. You will be introduced to the key elements of preparing for your search including ministry evaluation, preparing a church, community, and senior pastor profile, and determining a search timeline. This onsite consultation will result in an evaluation and recommendation report from the McGowan Search team. The initial consultation fee is $1750, plus all travel expenses. The fee will be credited towards your final contract should you engage the services of McGowan Search to conduct your pastoral search.

Recommendation Report

A McGowan Search Recommendation Report will be delivered to your search committee for evaluation and consideration. This report will include professional and spiritual advice on how to make your transition phase a safe and fruitful period in the life of your church. A suggested search and process timeline will provide your committee with the necessary information to make a decision on the engagement of McGowan Search.

Search Process Engagement

When McGowan Search is selected as your search partner, our team will begin the process of working with your committee to find your next senior pastor. Utilizing our vast network of resources and your valuable input and insight about your congregation and ministry, candidates will be identified and recruited for your evaluation. McGowan Search does not select your next minister. We will deliver a group that meets your desires and qualifications and that matches your ministry and pastoral profile. The number of candidates we deliver to you will be determined by your committee, but our experience indicates a final list of not less than three or more than seven will be sufficient to identify your new pastor.

Negotiation Process

McGowan Search will work with your committee to facilitate interviews and visits with the candidate(s) you wish to pursue. Our team will supervise the communication process and notification of candidates who do and do not move forward in your search. We can also assist in the negotiation phase if you desire. McGowan Search will walk alongside your search team and your candidates until your new pastor is in place and will be a prayerful and spiritual partner to ensure that your search produces the greatest Kingdom impact possible.